
Everyone likes to watch movies in the theatre but nowadays, online movies are trending that normal theatre movies. It is a more comfortable way for the ones who are not able to watch movies in the theatre and who are not willing to go out.


 Online movies are where we can watch movies at home or at a place where we are with a better internet connection. We can watch online movies on mobiles, and tablets, and also earlier people watch television through cable but now that has changed, we can now connect the television with the online movie sites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and YouTube. To connect with online movie sites through devices there is a process, which uses a subscription that requires users to pay a monthly or yearly fee to access large contents which includes movies and TV shows.

   To the popularity of these types of services, some popular TV channels also created their version of video services through apps that people can access their shows from anywhere with any device.


Online is one of the developments of technology. Developments in technology have always had an impact on the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry has gone through major changes in technologies in recent years and one of the major changes in the entertainment industry is the introduction of Online streaming. It becomes popular in a very short period with majority of users. This online streaming provides the user with a majority of features which is available on DVD and with portable media players.


There are both upsides and downsides to online movies. So let’s see what are the upsides and downsides of online movies.

Benefits of online movies

Some of the upsides to watching online movies are,

  • We can re-watch our favorite parts in our favorite movies.
  • We can also access 24/7 movies online.
  • One of the best things is we can pause and play when we need a break.

However, entertainment is one of the main things in human life. In this busy world, we forget to enjoy things which were old, some movie companies faced some losses due to online-based streams, on the other hand, this online movie is one of the best things that we can enjoy and entertain ourselves at home with watching our favorite movies, shows.